Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Harris measure commemorates Patriot Week
RELEASE|September 30, 2024
Contact: Mike Harris

The Michigan House of Representatives this month approved Rep. Mike Harris’ resolution recognizing Sept. 11-17, 2024, as Patriot Week.

Patriot Week marks the anniversaries of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the Sept. 17, 1787, approval of the U.S. Constitution by convention delegates in Philadelphia. Harris said citizens should honor the nation’s commitment to liberty and equality, along with the service and sacrifice that have defended those ideals.

“Patriot Week is an occasion to celebrate the values that make our country great — freedom, equality, and self-government,” said Harris, R-Waterford. “It’s also a time to reflect on the service and sacrifice that keep our nation free. During Patriot Week and throughout the year, every American should honor the principles of liberty and justice. We should live in gratitude for the brave men and women who have put their lives on the line to uphold those principles and keep our nation the land of the free.”

The House last Wednesday approved House Resolution 297 by voice vote during its only session day in September.

The resolution declared: “We recognize that understanding the history of the United States and the first principles of the United States is indispensable to the survival of the United States as a free people; acknowledge in great reverence to the victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks, that citizens of the United States should take time to honor the first principles, founders, documents, and symbols of their history; recognize that each generation should renew the spirit of the United States based on the first principles, historical figures, founding documents, and symbols of the United States; and encourage citizens, schools and other educational institutions, and federal, state, and local governments and their agencies to recognize and participate in Patriot Week by honoring, celebrating, and promoting the study of the history of the United States so that all people of the United States may offer the reverence that is due to the free republic.”

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